In every country, citizens have their legal rights. There are boundaries that their government cannot intervene in, as written in the constitution. However, other citizens who intrude and intervene in the personal grounds of another citizen could cause danger or damages, either physical or material, to the victimized party and this is grounds for compensation.
You should always head for a legal consultation if you ended up in litigation with another party. Either you’re the offending or victimized party, seek legal consultation but seek it from someone who knows greatly about the field. Legal professionals specialize in different fields; some specialize in medical negligence, personal injury, corporate damages, human rights, women’s rights and more. Be sure to find the right legal consultant.
By knowing your legal rights, you also align the proper evidences that will support your claim. A legal consultant will advise you to have a medical check-up and police report for car accidents. For medical negligence, a medical board needs to examine your injuries to help determine the extent of the medical negligence.
The last thing about knowing your legal rights is that you know you have the right to claim compensation against your offending party. If you understand your legal rights and boundaries, you could also avoid future problems and having a counter-lawsuit filed against you for imprudence.