You might think that leisure traveling or backpacking can cost you so much money saving up for the trip, but looking at the economical side of things, traveling can help you earn money. The Internet allows for independent publishing and promotion of your journal and stories and frequent traveling, if you are informative enough, can help get your website up the ranks. Website marketing and online journalism are two of the best things that can help you earn money while or after you travel. Here’s a good way to get started.
1. Start Your Own Website
Website servers with adequate data storage usually come at a cheap $30 to $50 a year price with the right amount of bandwidth to post your photos, videos and text in your website. Some of these websites have pre-set formats for ease of navigation and posting, just like while using social media accounts and other convenient blogs such as Tumblr. You could also purchase a premium account to have the same website format for your blog on your independent server.
2. Your Travel Location
Your blog should focus on travel and you should have independent categories for the places you have been. By making independent categories, it is easier for people to find an “umbrella” area and find the places you have been. Your posts should show what you have done there, what you’ve discovered, your tips on how to spend money and where to find affordable services and other details that you might want. Your travel location and the way you dissect it is important.
3. Your Own Style
Your website could be a mix of blogging, video blogging and photography blogging. The three differ from each other with the media they use. Blogging is just writing on a diary and explaining what you’ve seen in such places using illustrations and some non-professional photos to explain your points. Video blogging is like making an independent travel show with you using actual live dialogue to explain the circumstances you are in. Photo blogging is making use of text and professional photos that show how beautiful the place really is.
4. Earning Money
You earn money as your website gains recognition and traffic. Affiliate websites and industries, such as travel agencies, travel guides and coupon/ deal websites may want to advertise on your site. As you advertise their banners or services, you earn money in the process. So the more you travel, the more you earn money by being informative.